In celebration of another great year of life, I wanted to share some things that make me happy!
-Finally dancing with my husband
-No kids to worry about for over a week!
-Great friends and family that willing watched above mentioned kids
-Having something big to motivate me to lose 20 lbs (and over 24 inches)
-Celebrating 11 wonderful years of marriage in a tropical paradise
-Seeing my brother Drew the most relaxed I have EVER seen him!
-Doing karaoke for the first time
-Someone else being in charge of the cooking and cleaning for over a week
-Spending quality time with my extended family
-A great home to live in with awesome neighbors
-Working out-it makes me feel and look younger
-Serving in the Primary -- I love those kids!
-A testimony of the Gospel
-Living close to so much family
-Great books to read
-My family
There is so much more, but this is enough for now. What are you grateful for?