Friday, June 26, 2009

Broccoli Anyone?

I have been trying to eat better, more vegetables, less sweets, you know that kind of thing. In turn, I am trying to help my kids be healthier too which isn't too hard because they usually like to eat whatever I eat. But holy cow! Do you know how expensive fresh produce is? For one head of broccoli it was over $5 dollars! No wonder America is so obese! Let's see for five bucks I can get a burger, fries, and soda, or one head of broccoli...hmmm......So many great things about living in Blanding, buying fresh inexpensive produce -- not one of them. Oh well!


eryka said...

I'm totally with you. When we moved back to the US I decided to stop buying fruit snacks and other easy cheap processed treat and make my kids eat fresh fruit instead...expensive idea. Every once in a while I buy a box of fruit snacks for $1.99 for 10 and I think why do I buy grapes for $3.99 a pound. But its fresh and healthy and teaching them good habits. Hopefully.

Chrislynn said...

Yes, produce is expensive. I wish I had a yard where I could grow my own. There is this big coupon craze going on right now, but it doesn't do our family any good because we buy mostly fresh fruit and vegetables. I am looking forward to the farmers markets here, it turns out this really is the garden state and there is some yummy stuff out there. (Sorry, I kind of rambled on).

Nan said...

I know. Explain that to my husband, would you? He thinks our grocery bill is high because I buy too many convenience foods. It is more expensive to buy the good stuff.
I had to share, the last couple trips to the grocery store, my kids were begging me for asparagus, artichokes and plums. The other day, Rachel was crying because Tyler got a carrot and she didn't. It's great that they like good food.

Lynch line said...

I am in the same boat you are here except my kids don't wont eat what I eat unless its a 5 dollar hot and ready pizza.