Saturday, October 4, 2008

Nancy Inspires Me

Sometimes I need a little outside motivation to help me carry through on promises I make to myself. A few months ago, this motivation came from my Sister-in-law Kim and her Walking Blog. Thanks Kim! More recently my motivation/inspiration was from my other Sis-in-law Nancy. When I saw her fitness blog it was what I needed to get serious about setting and achieving my fitness goals. For 2 weeks now I have been lifting weights and running. I enjoyed having Nancy home over the weekend because we were able to talk fitness together (which helped keep me motivated). I have not been perfect, I still have a hard time staying faithful to my diet, and procrastinating workouts has meant that some days I have done cardio and weights on the same day, but I AM moving forward!
Some things that have helped me: Each night I try to journal how my day went. I write down what things I did well and what I need to work on. I write down what I ate (which helps me be honest with myself, this is where I really struggle to be good). Then I plan the next day: What I will eat, when I will workout, and small goals for the day. (Some nights I have to journal for several days--like I said, I am not perfect!)
I have been focusing on my small victories: Doing abs daily, taking my vitamins daily, drinking enough water. I celebrate these small victories because I know that they are all steps in the right direction.
Several years ago I had the pleasure of a "workout buddy" she became my best friend, my other sister. In the time we worked out together I never missed a workout because I knew she was counting on me to be there. Her dedication helped me be dedicated. When she married Tim and moved away I lost my motivation and stopped working out. I miss you Nancy! I finally found another "workout buddy"--Eva. She has agreed to help keep me encouraged to get up in the morning and go running. She needs the one-on-one time with me, and I need her forcing me out of bed when I just want to sleep.
Nancy, keep up your fitness blog, keep working out. I will be your "virtual workout buddy" when you need motivated. Thank-you for inspiring me!


Tim & Nancy said...

Thanks Kd, but if it wasn't for you I would have never learned to workout correctly. Man I wish Eva was my workout partner she'll keep you on track. I wasn't dedicated just scared to miss a workout session with you. Love you lots and wish you lived closer, nancy

Nan said...

Good for you. Good for Nancy and good for Eva. I know you all can help each other stay motivated.