Friday, January 16, 2009

The Whole Enchilada

(what does that really mean anyway?) In large part because of Nancy's fine example, I started working out again in November. I really tried, but sometimes I would put off my entire week's worth of workouts until Friday and Saturday, and as for diet -- what diet? I just didn't have the motivation I needed to really GO-FOR-IT. After a month I felt really good about my workouts, I had been more consistent and felt like I had made some positive changes. I took my measurements and.........nothing had changed!! I was so discouraged, that I basically took the entire month of December off. I was really bad, I ate way too much junk, and avoided working out. Then I took 2 weeks off work to be with the kids over Christmas break. I had the time to workout, so I researched some good workouts on and started working out. Then I sat down and really hashed out what goals I wanted to accomplish, how I was going to achieve those goals, and what "Transforming Patterns of Action" I needed to change to be successful. I typed these up and placed them in highly visible locations throughout my house. A huge motivating factor for sure is our upcoming cruise -- I have got to be "swimsuit ready"! Focusing on my end goals has made it easier for me to stick to the Body-for-Life eating plan, and not "cheat" (except 1 day a week as outlined). After 2 weeks of consistent workouts, and clean eating I took my measurements and...........Lost 5 pounds and almost 9 total inches!! This versus my experience in November reminds me that I have to go for the "whole enchilada" I can't just do things half-way and expect results. I am at the end of another successful week-(week 3) of my 12 week transformation and I feel great! I have muscles where I have never had muscles before, and my energy is through the roof! 


eryka said...

9 INCHES!! That's amazing. I can't wait to hang out by the pool with you guys. Great job!

Tim & Nancy said...

Yikes!!! I wish I could lose that much in 3 weeks. Good Work at getting back to working out. The cruise is a huge motivation. Keep posting, it's been too long since we've heard from you or you could do a weight loss blog. Richie has one too. love, nancy

Richie said...

That's fantastic! Congrats, and keep it up! I'm at the end of week 2, and I'm about to post the results of the weigh in! If you start a fitness blog let me know and I'll put a link to it on mine.

Lesli said...

Awesome job KD - I am truly impressed and wish the best of luck in the pursuit of your goal!

Kim said...

I love the look of your blog. It's so purty! I wish I had your inspiration. I just can't seem to care right now. Maybe all of you go-getters will inspire me with your results, but don't hold your breath! I'm proud of you all, though.